
Welcome Garnet Hill Products Vendors

What’s new for you?

Through the Retail Compliance program, Garnet Hill and their vendors work together with Global Registration Services to ensure license compliance. Together we will reduce or eliminate violations for both the vendor and Garnet Hill.

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Important Dates
There are no deadlines or important dates for your company.

Ready to get started?

Take the first step in Retail Compliance by signing up or logging into your account.
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Company Requirements

Before You Get Started

Helpful Tips

Step-By-Step Instructions

Making a Payment

Video Resources

Training Recording

Vendor Requirements

Vendor ID: Vendor's Company Name

Product ID: Item Number

Product Categories: Bed / Furn, Quilted Clothing

Bed/ Furn Law Label Company Information: Private Brand must list MADE FOR Garnet Hill 231 Main Street Franconia, NH 03580

Quilted Clothing WPL Requirement: Private brand must use Garnet Hill's RN: 102816

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Retail Compliance Guide


We know you are here because you are required to participate in the Retail Compliance Program due to a partnership between Global Registration Services (GRS) and your retail customer. However, we are thankful for the opportunity to earn your trust as a valued partner and advisor for your compliance and labeling.

In 2006, a major retailer came to GRS for help reducing violations in their stores for stuffed bedding and furniture articles. After several years of collaboration and technology integration, we launched a first-of-its-kind program which evolved into Retail Compliance — a powerful and complete system for retailers and suppliers to get and stay compliant.

With the hundreds of companies GRS works with, we have seen all sorts of scenarios when it comes to compliance and licensing:

  • Some companies have been maintaining licenses on their own for years without using a third party to verify them. GRS can be a backup in case something changes in your organization, or in case of a mistake or oversight.
  • Some companies believe that they are in full compliance, but discover that they are not. Often this happens when they receive a violation for one of their products in a particular state.
  • Some companies find benefits in other GRS services outside of the required retailer program. We have performed new registrations, obtained licenses they didn’t know they needed to meet certification, or have taken over the yearly management of their licenses.


Global Registration Services, Inc. provides registration assistance for bedding, furniture,stuffed toy, and quilted clothing products with hidden filling materials. We work with the manufacturers of those products, as well as importers and distributors that perform registration for the factory or factories they work with.

GRS offers post-registration services known as Monitored Services. Monitored Services give ongoing support of monitoring compliance of registration licenses. You can read more about these services and their benefits on our website.

With Monitored Services, you can efficiently store and manage your URN or Quilted Clothing license data on our website. GRS can act on your behalf to manage your yearly license renewals, and consolidate your many renewals into one yearly payment plus added guarantees, depending on your level of management.

When a retailer partners with GRS, they require their vendors to subscribe to their database on the GRS website. This is done by selecting the retailer listed under Retail Compliance, providing your Vendor ID and paying the yearly subscription fee.

Any and all URNs or Quilted Clothing licenses and labels of factories with products that are sold to that retailer must be subscribed to a Monitored Service and then linked to that retailer.

Why Our Program Works

As the first stuffed registration company in the world, GRS combines 50+ years of expertise and relationships with state departments to offer unparalleled support for manufacturers, importers, and retailers of stuffed articles. 

Along with our sister company American Law Label, we help businesses avoid unnecessary costs, increase efficiency, and save time while navigating the complex world of compliance. 

The GRS database offers retailers a custom snapshot of their vendors’ live compliance status. This allows retailers to include URN verification in their product testing protocols, giving them complete peace of mind that their products are fully compliant and will avoid costly marketplace violations.

Company Requirements

  1. Create a login or sign into your account on www.globalrsinc.com 
  2. Subscribe to Retail Compliance. Connect to your retailer, enter your Vendor ID and make your payment. 
  3. Add your URN and/or Quilted Clothing license under a Monitored Service and make your payment.

    3a. Assign your URN or Quilted Clothing table to your retailer during the Monitored Services enrollment process.
  4. Add all necessary license copies for each URN or Quilted Clothing license table for verification.

    4a. All license uploads are placed in a queue for GRS staff review. Please allow 24 business hours to be reviewed.
  5. Upload necessary product data and law or textile label copies for each URN or Quilted Clothing license. Stuffed toy labels do not need to upload labels, only licenses.

We will go through the above steps in more detail on the coming pages, complete with screenshots. You can familiarize yourself with the process before you get started, or follow along with them as a guide when you are on the site. If at any time you run into trouble or have questions, contact a GRS Compliance Specialist for help. Our contact info can be found at the end of the document.

Before You Get Started

Your Login and Account

When you create a login, be prepared to have all the necessary information to fill out your account. The information needed to complete your account is fairly detailed. It includes your company owner’s name, title and address, company legal status, incorporation date and FEIN. 

This information can be added or edited under “My Account” -> “Contact Information”. This information is required before payment on any services can be made.

Uploading License Copies

After subscribing to a Monitored Service, you need to upload your regulatory licenses into the system. Our system will automatically create a table with the required regulatory agencies based on the product type(s) you selected. 

Acceptable file formats are .pdf, .jpeg or .png.

Products and Labels

Your retailer requires you to upload copies of your law and/or textile labels. When uploading, you will need to have your product information (e.g., name, description, unique ID used by the retailer) and high-quality label files on hand. Check your vendor page on our website to understand your retailer’s specific upload requirements. 

Acceptable file formats are .pdf, .jpeg, or .png.

Helpful Tips

Upgrading a Monitored Service

Our entry-level Monitored Service is GlobalTrak. GlobalTrak allows you to store and manage your licenses using our proprietary system, but leaves you responsible for handling license renewals, registration, and overall compliance. If you want peace of mind about your compliance needs and would like GRS to handle them, you can upgrade to License Management or Guaranteed Compliance at any time. If you choose License Management or Guaranteed Compliance upfront, we will handle your enrollment process on your behalf.

Registration Assistance

If you are missing a mandatory license on your URN table, our New Registration team can assist with the application process. We can pre-certify your table to ensure complete compliance through the testing process.

Quilted Clothing Registration

If you do not have a Quilted Clothing license for each of your manufacturing facilities, we highly suggest applying through our New Registration department and adding on a Monitored Service on your registration quote.

Labeling Services

Law Label Lookup™ is an online visibility solution that does not include label compliance verification at this time. We highly suggest having our Labeling Team review your law or textile labels to ensure they are compliant. Our Labeling Team offers auditing, design, and printing of law and textile labels.

Step-by-step License Instructions

Step 1) Login / Creat Your Account

Ensure your account profile is complete by accessing My Account > Contact Information

Step 2) Subscribe to Retail Compliance

  1. Select Retail Compliance dropdown menu > Add Retail Vendor IDs 
  2. Select the retailer > enter your Vendor ID > Click Update 
  3. Verify account information 
  4. Make payment selection and process

Step 3) Subscribe to Monitored Service

  1. Account Center > + New URN > Select Monitored Service
  2. If the license(s) being added are not registered to the same name and address as your GRS company account, click ‘No’ to ‘Are these licenses in your company’s name?’
    2a. This provides the ability to input the correct facility information for that URN.
  3. Complete all following tabs
    3a. License, Product, Factory (when applicable), Legal, Owner, Term of Services
  4. Verify account information
  5. Make payment selection and process
  6. Repeat Step 3 for all factories

Step 4) Assign your Retailer to URN or Quilted Clothing

Option 1: Add a single URN or Quilted Clothing table 

  1. Account Center > Your URNs, Select URN or Quilted Clothing table 
  2. Choose retailer by checking the box under Retail Compliance

Option 2: Select Multiple URNs or Quilted Clothing table

  1. Retail Compliance > Retailer/URN Assignment
  2. Use Select drop-down to check boxes for URN or Quilted Clothing tables you want to assign to your retailer.

Step 5) Add all necessary license copies

  1. License Management & Guaranteed Compliance customers will be contacted by a Compliance Specialist to assist with the enrollment and license upload process. 
  2. GlobalTrak customers:8 09 | Retail Compliance Guide
    2a. Account Center > My Account Menu > My URN Table and select URN or Quilted Clothing table

    2b. Use the “Edit License” Link for each license on the detail table.

    2c. In the license page, add all license details and upload the file. Click Save to submit to GRS for review. Allow 24 business hours for the license to be reviewed by a GRS team member.

Step 6) Add all necessary products and label copies

  1. Account Center > Products/Law Labels, select uploading method (instructions provided within account on below listed pages):
    1a. Bedding / Furniture Product and Law Label Uploading
          1a1. Add Product/Law Label
          1a2. Add Products/Law Labels in Bulk
    1b. Quilted Clothing Product and Textile Label Uploading a. Add Quilted Clothing Labels

Making a Payment

To Process Payment on an Invoice:

  1. Log into your account at globalrsinc.com/login
  2. Choose the invoice(s) you want to pay under Open Invoices
  3. Select ‘Pay Now’. To download a copy of the invoice as a PDF file, select the “Save” icon in the menu bar above the invoice
  4. Select ‘Account Verification’ to verify your company’s billing information.
    4a. If your billing information is correct, click ‘Select Payment Type’

    4b. If the listed billing information needs to be updated, click ‘Edit Billing Information’
         4b1. All address updates are placed in a queue for daily review by our team. You will not be able to proceed with payment until your address update has been approved.
  5. Select ‘Select Payment Type’:
    5a. Credit Card – You can proceed with payment on the website. Credit cards incur a 1.75% processing fee. A receipt will be sent to the email you provide on the payment page.
         5a1. If paying a GRS subscription fee, you may enroll in Auto-Renew for uninterrupted service each year. Auto-Renew settings can be reviewed and changed from ‘My Account’ > ‘Manage Auto Renew’.

    5b. U.S. Check – Provide the check number being mailed. The system will email GRS’ mailing address. Please list all invoice numbers that you are submitting payment for on the memo line of the check.

    5c. Wire Transfer – Our system will add the required $30 wire fee* to the invoice and email you GRS’ banking information.
         5c1. In the memo / notes section of your wire payment, please list all invoice numbers that you are submitting payment for. This helps our team apply funds accordingly.
         5c2. *Only one $30 wire fee is needed for the entire payment sent (not per invoice)

Video Resources


New Account Set-Up: Contact Information
Account Center Overview
How to Pay an Invoice
Retail Compliance (RC) Enrollment
Retailer URN Assignment

Bedding / Furniture

Upload Bed/Furn License
Add URN – Bed/Furn
Bed/Furn Law Label Lookup
Bed/Furn URN Table Overview + License Upload

Stuffed Toy

Upload Stuffed Toy License
Stuffed Toy URN Table Overview + License Upload
Add URN – Toy

Quilted Clothing

Quilted Clothing License Upload
Quilted Clothing Law Label Lookup
Quilted Clothing Table Overview + License Upload
Add RN – Quilted Clothing

Training Recording

Compare Our GRS-Managed Monitored Services

Get comprehensive support from the leaders in stuffed article compliance. Our team takes renewals and ongoing compliance off your plate. Plus, you can choose whether to pay renewal invoices as you go or in one convenient annual payment.
Explore Monitored Services

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