Test Lab Process

The Review Process

GRS makes it easy to find out whether a vendor’s URN or RN is compliant. Follow these 5 simple steps to view a vendor’s URN / RN status, download a PDF copy of the compliance report, and learn what to do if a vendor is non-compliant.
Step 1

Log into your GRS account

Use the button below to log into your account. If you don’t have an account, you sign up here.

Step 2

Select “Test Lab”

Once you are logged in, select the Test Lab tab located on the left-side blue column. This will take you to the test lab search database.

Step 3

Select Partnered Retailer

You will see a list of your partnered retailers’ databases. Select a Retailer to continue.

Step 4

Enter URN / RN

Enter a URN(or RN for quilted clothing) and press the Search button. 

  Make sure you enter the URN with:

  • No spaces
  • No dashes
  • No parentheses

Note: You may see multiple accounts with the same URN. This is because importers can use the same URN for products made at a single factory. Select the company you are verifying for to see the URN / RN Status.

Step 5

See URN / RN Status

A vendor’s URN + Compliance Status on the upper left side of the screen. 

Below are the URN Statuses for a vendor: 

  • Certified: Company receives a PASS for URN compliance
  • Non-Compliant / Missing Data / Unknown: Company receives a FAIL for URN compliance.
    • Always reference the testline prescribed by the retailer as to whether it is a “soft” or “hard” failure.
    • Please instruct the company to contact GRS for support, rc@globalrsinc.com

Note: You can download a PDF copy of the vendor’s URN status on this page, as well.

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Avoiding late fees is simple if you pay your GRS invoice as soon as you receive it. Another way to stay informed about upcoming payment dates is to subscribe to the GRS newsletter for monthly reminders.

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