How to register to sell stuffed bedding and furniture in the U.S.

Licenses are required to legally sell stuffed bedding, furniture and toys in the United States. Here is what you need to know to register as a manufacturer, importer, wholesaler, distributor or retailer of stuffed products.

Learn more about registration for:

Manufacturer Registration

Certain U.S. agencies regulate the sale of stuffed articles, including furniture and bedding. Manufacturers selling to and through other channels must have the appropriate licenses, even if they are not selling directly to U.S. customers.

Once a manufacturer registers, they will receive a Uniform Registry Number (URN) that allows their products to be sold to any company in the United States.

Fifteen U.S. agencies current require manufacturer registration for bedding and furniture products. Depending on the type of products, registration may not be needed with all 15 agencies. Global Registration Services can help you navigate the registration process for each location.

CA — California
CT — Connecticut
DC –– Washington D.C.
DE — Delaware
DET — City of Detroit, Michigan
MA — Massachusetts
NY — New York
NC — North Carolina

OH — Ohio
OK — Oklahoma
PA — Pennsylvania
RI — Rhode Island
UT — Utah
VA — Virginia
WV — West Virginia

Who is the manufacturer?

The factory that physically manufactured the final product is considered the manufacturer.

Even if you own the design rights or copyrights, under tagging laws for stuffed articles your company is NOT considered the manufacturer if you contract another company to manufacture the product for you. Whoever issues the final stitch is considered the manufacturer.

Additional considerations for manufacturers

The state of Ohio requires sample products to be tested before they issue a license to the manufacturer of stuffed furniture and bedding.

Stuffed Toy Registration

Massachusetts, Ohio and Pennsylvania each require registrations for the manufacturers of stuffed toys. 

Applicants are required to send four samples of each toy to GRS for submission to each state with the applications and payments. 

The state of Pennsylvania will not accept the toy URN of the other two states. You must apply for either manufacturer or joint registration in Pennsylvania for stuffed toys. 

MA — Massachusetts
OH — Ohio
PA — Pennsylvania

Importer Registration

Under U.S. tagging laws, a company affiliated with the product must print their name and address on the product’s law label. Generally this is the manufacturer’s information.

If you would prefer to have your own company’s name printed instead of the manufacturer’s, you can undergo importer registration. This process will allow you to obtain the proper licensing as an importer, in addition to the factory holding all necessary manufacturing licenses.

Global Registration Services can help you determine which products require importer registration with which regulatory agency.

CA — California
CT — Connecticut
DET — City of Detroit, Michigan
MA — Massachusetts

OH — Ohio
OK — Oklahoma
UT — Utah
VA — Virginia

Who is the importer?

An importer is any company that imports bedding or upholstered furniture products to be sold in the U.S. Typically this is an importer, wholesaler, distributor or retailer (I/W/D/R). As more and more retailers start private labels, they become importers in the eyes of U.S. tagging laws.

If your company’s name is printed on the law label as the importer, you are responsible for any fines the product may incur from license or registration violations. Learn more about how GRS’ Monitored Services can keep you in good standing with the regulatory agencies.

See Monitored Services

Stuffed Toy Registration

Massachusetts and Ohio each require registrations for the importers of stuffed toys.

Applicants are required to send four samples of each toy to GRS for submission to each state with the applications and payments.

MA — Massachusetts
OH — Ohio

Joint Registration

Joint Registration is another way for an importer, wholesaler, distributor or retailer (I/W/D/R) to print their name on a product’s law label, rather than the manufacturer’s. It also provides a level of control and oversight over the registration process.

In Joint Registration, an I/W/D/R registers together with a manufacturer to sell a specific stuffed product in the U.S. The two entities apply for a joint URN with each applicable regulatory agency, and licenses are mailed directly to the I/W/D/R.

Joint Registration offers three important benefits:

  1. The I/W/D/R’s name and address will be printed on the product’s law label.
  2. The I/W/D/R will receive renewal notices, so you can ensure your manufacturer’s licenses are valid as long as you’re selling those products in the U.S.
  3. The joint URN is exclusive between the manufacturer and the I/W/D/R. The manufacturer cannot use that joint URN to make products for any other company to sell in the U.S.
Currently, three U.S. states offer joint registration:

OH — Ohio
PA — Pennsylvania
UT — Utah

Stuffed Toy Registration

Massachusetts, Ohio and Pennsylvania each require registrations for the manufacturers of stuffed toys.

Applicants are required to send four samples of each toy to GRS for submission to each state with the applications and payments.

The state of Pennsylvania will not accept the toy URN of the other two states. You must apply for either manufacturer or joint registration in Pennsylvania for stuffed toys.

MA — Massachusetts
OH — Ohio
PA — Pennsylvania

Quilted Clothing

Unlike other stuffed products, quilted clothing does not use a URN. Instead, quilted clothing uses a Registration Number (RN) and/or Wool Products Label (WPL) number. 

 Although GRS cannot help you apply for an RN/WPL, we can use your existing RN/WPL to apply for a Quilted Clothing permit. Please check with your retailer, as some retailers like Macy’s and Gap Inc. provide their suppliers with an RN/WPL.

Start the registration process

Whether you are a manufacturer, an I/W/D/R or are considering joint registration, the first step is creating a GRS account. You can generate a quote in just a matter of minutes, and our team will start the registration process as soon as payment is received.

Most U.S. agencies only accept U.S. checks, which can be a barrier if payment is coming from overseas. Global Registration Services accepts several forms of payment for your convenience:

  • U.S. check
  • Credit card (all)
  • Wire transfer

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