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Waiting For Your License? Pass Testing With A Temporary Expiration Date.


Are you struggling to pass testing for a retailer, but you’ve submitted payment for all of your license renewals? We may be able to help!

If you are enrolled in a Monitored Service, GRS may be able to adjust your URN status to “Certified” by using a temporary expiration date while waiting for your licenses to be issued. 

What are temporary expiration dates?

If your license is expired but you have submitted payment to the state department, GRS can enter a temporary extension that will let you pass testing for a retailer. This extension is called a temporary expiration date.

The retailer will see your compliance status as “Certified.” When your license arrives from the state department, GRS will update your account with your license’s actual expiration date.

How long does a temporary expiration date last?

A temporary expiration date is granted for one month, expiring the last day of the following month it is issued. 

For example, any license application or renewal submitted in the month of August will receive a temporary expiration date of September 30th.

When can I request a temporary expiration date?

Temporary expiration dates can only be issued when the only thing holding you back from receiving your license is a regulatory agency. 

Specifically, we can only issue a temporary expiration date while an agency is processing your:

  • Initial application
  • Renewal
  • Address change request
  • License update request

How to request a temporary expiration date

Any GRS customer enrolled in a Monitored Service can request a temporary expiration date while they wait for their updated license to be processed by a regulatory agency.

License Management / Guaranteed Compliance Customers

License Management and Guaranteed Compliance customers do not have to do anything to request a temporary expiration date. A GRS representative will take care of it on your behalf. 

While we are waiting to receive your updated license, our team will automatically place a temporary expiration date in your account to show the “Certified” URN status. 

As soon as we receive the updated license, we will upload it into your account and change the expiration date to match what is printed on the license.

GlobalTrak Customers

To request a temporary expiration date as a GlobalTrak customer, simply email GRS with proof of payment to the regulatory agency in question. 

You can also request one from your URN table when you go to edit the relevant license.

Alternatively, you can provide proof of a license correction pending with a regulatory agency via email. 

For example, let’s say you upload a license with the wrong address and it is rejected. Instead of waiting until you receive the new updated license, you can send an email to the regulatory agency and send GRS a screenshot of that email. 

We can then provide a temporary expiration date while your license update is pending with the state office.

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