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Bringing a new stuffed article to market is an exciting time, but there is one critical step that companies often overlook that can throw your launch plans into chaos. In some cases, it can even delay your launch by several weeks!
Here’s a simple tip that can save you panic down the road: get your Uniform Registry Number (URN) and law labels as early as possible.
Selling stuffed articles like mattresses, pillows and stuffed toys in the United States is not always straightforward. Stuffed articles are regulated by a number of agencies across the country, and you will need to apply for a URN before your products can legally be sold in the U.S.
Law labels are another necessary part of selling stuffed articles in the U.S. Law labels give the consumer valuable information about the product before the point of sale. To avoid fines and violations, your law label must follow specific guidelines from the governing body for law labels, the International Association of Bedding and Furniture Law Officials (IABFLO).
Don’t worry — GRS has helped thousands of companies like yours obtain their URN and law labels.
Earlier than you might think! Your product doesn’t even need to be in production yet to start the registration process.
A great time to start thinking about compliance is when buyers are considering bringing on a brand and their products, or they are beginning to scope a factory for production.
GRS and ALL make the process of getting your URN and law labels as quick as possible, but there are always unknown delays that can arise that are outside of our control. To avoid delays that could affect your product launch, we encourage manufacturers and importers to obtain their URN and law labels early on.
The first thing you will need for your new product is a Uniform Registry Number (URN). A URN is a number that will be printed on your product’s law label that identifies the physical factory where that product was manufactured.
Getting a URN can be a time-intensive process. While GRS can quickly apply for a URN, it can take the regulatory agencies up to two weeks to issue a new number, depending on the product.
All stuffed articles require law labels, but designing and printing law labels takes time that many companies don’t account for. That delay between requesting law labels and receiving them can take several days, which can delay your product launch if you don’t plan ahead.
When you work with GRS on URN application, we will also start getting your law labels designed and printed with our sister company, American Law Label. Law labels are easy to get wrong, so they’re best left to professionals who know their way around labeling laws and upcoming legislation that could affect your product.
Once your URN is issued, American Law Label will send you a sample of your label artwork for approval. When you approve the artwork, we will print and ship your law labels within 72 hours.
You don’t have to panic about delays when your product is close to launch. Start the process of registration and getting your law labels today, and avoid headaches down the road.
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