Welcome to Law Label Lookup™

For Quilted Clothing

The Law Label Lookup database from GRS lets retailers and their suppliers view and store law labels online to stay compliant with U.S. regulatory requirements.

This quickstart guide will help you add your products and law labels to the database, view and manage them, and make them available to the public.
I’m a SupplierI’m a Retailer

Before You Begin

Before you can use Law Label Lookup, you must be subscribed to one of our Monitored Services as well as the Retail Compliance program for each retailer that requires you to use Law Label Lookup.

Monitored Services

GRS offers three tiers of Monitored Services to make ongoing compliance simple.

Enrolling in a Monitored Service is a prerequisite for using Law Label Lookup, and can help you stay on top of expiration dates and other matters of ongoing compliance for your stuffed articles.
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Retail Compliance

Law Label Lookup is an add-on to the Retail Compliance program, which gives retailers insight into the compliance status of their entire inventory.

If a retailer requires you to upload your products and law labels to Law Label Lookup, you must first enroll in that retailer’s Retail Compliance program. Otherwise your law label will not be visible to them.
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Upload and Manage Quilted Clothing Labels with Law Label Lookup

Step 1 – Log in

Click the Login button at the top right of the screen, and enter your GRS account credentials. 

Once you’re logged in, select Products/Law Labels from the side panel to access the Law Label Lookup database. 

You can also access your quilted clothing labels from the Monitored Services panel by selecting the URN table. Click the URN Number and scroll down the page to view a list of your labels.

Step 2 — View your Quilted Clothing Labels

Law Label Lookup makes it simple to add one or more products and their associated law labels to our public-facing online database.
Manage All
See a full view of all of your products and law labels. Quilted clothing labels will be on this page. Please note that quilted clothing labels will be on the same page as your bedding and furniture labels. You can identify which labels are specifically for quilted clothing by referencing the “URN column” and finding the line items that specifically have “RN” or “WPL” before the number.
Add Quilted Clothing Labels

When this option is selected three dropdowns will be available. You may either upload a single quilted clothing label or upload quilted clothing labels in bulk (Part 1 & 2)

Add Quilted Clothing Label (Single Upload)

Upload a single quilted clothing label to your account. 

You will be asked to provide a bit of information about your entry: 

  • Product Name — A nickname for the product that’s easily identifiable 
  • Description — A brief description of the product 
  • RN or WPL— The RN or WPL on the quilted clothing label. Please note that the RN or WPL must be enrolled in one of GRS’ Monitored Services. 
  • Retailer(s) — A list of the retailers that sell this product in their brick-and-mortar and/or online stores. Please note that you must be enrolled in the Retail Compliance program, and each product must be linked to the relevant retailer(s). 
  • Product ID(s) — The unique identifier(s) assigned to the product by each retailer. Your retailer may call this a barcode, web ID, SKU, or another name. 
  • Label File — A digital file of the product’s law label in .jpg, .jpeg, .png, or .pdf format 
  • Status — If a quilted clothing label image has been added for this product, the status will read “Uploaded.” Otherwise the status will read “Pending.”

Add Quilted Clothing Labels in Bulk

Upload multiple quilted clothing labels to your account.

Please visit this page to get detailed instructions on uploading quilted clothing labels in bulk. You’ll find the Quilted Clothing Information Spreadsheet and written instructions.

Please note that you must upload quilted clothing product information prior to uploading label images.

Step 3 — Your Quilted Clothing Labels are Available Online

Once you’ve uploaded a quilted clothing label to Law Label Lookup, it will immediately be made available online to consumers and regulatory agencies.

If you need assistance with viewing your suppliers’ products and quilted clothing labels on the Law Label Lookup database, contact us at rc@globalrsinc.com.

Before You Begin

Before you can use the Law Label Lookup online database, you must enroll in the 
Retail Compliance program and subscribe to the paid Law Label Lookup™ service.

To enroll in Retail Compliance and add-on Law Label Lookup, email us at rc@globalrsinc.com.

Retail Compliance

The Retail Compliance program helps the industry’s top retailers stay informed about the compliance status of their products nationwide.
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Add-On Law Label Lookup™

Once you are enrolled in Retail Compliance, Law Label Lookup™ is a paid add-on service that helps you comply with the latest regulations regarding digital law labels for online sales.
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View Your Products / Law Labels With
Law Label Lookup

Step 1 – Log in

Click the Login button at the top right of the screen, and enter your GRS account credentials.

Once you’re logged in, select Law Labels at the bottom of your dashboard to see all of the law labels that are linked to your account.

You can also access your law labels by searching for a URN from your dashboard, then clicking the Products tab on the URN table.

Step 2 — View Your Products / Law Labels

The Law Labels panel makes it simple to see information about each of your suppliers’ products, including whether or not a law label has been uploaded for that product.

You can sort and filter your inventory using the categories listed below. Please note that retailers cannot edit or delete products. If a product needs to be edited or deleted, please contact the supplier.

  • Product Name — A nickname for the product that’s easily identifiable
  • Description — A brief description of the product
  • URN — The Uniform Registry Number (URN) associated with the product. Please note that the URN must be enrolled in one of GRS’ Monitored Services.
  • Product ID(s) — The unique identifier(s) the retailer has assigned to the product. You may call this a barcode, web ID, SKU, or another name.
  • Status — If a law label image has been added for this product, the status will read “Uploaded.” Otherwise the status will read “Pending.”

Step 3 — Your Labels Are Available Online

Once you or your supplier uploads a product to Law Label Lookup, it will immediately be made available online to consumers and regulatory agencies.

If you need assistance with viewing your suppliers’ products and law labels on the Law Label Lookup database, contact us at rc@globalrsinc.com

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