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How to Choose a Solution to Utah’s Online Labeling Requirements: 4 Tips


On May 15, 2025, the state of Utah will begin enforcing their digital labeling requirements for retailers and suppliers of stuffed articles. Forward-thinking retailers and suppliers are already searching for a solution to help them comply with Utah’s regulations.

Here are three quick tips as your business searches for a solution to Utah’s regulations, and a look at how Law Label Lookup™ from GRS can give you a simple path to compliance.

A Quick Overview of Utah’s Requirements

If you are a retailer that sells stuffed articles online to consumers in Utah, you will need to provide additional information about those products and make that information available online.

Digital labels for Utah must list the following information:

  • The product’s filling materials
  • The product’s URN (bedding & furniture) or RN/WPL (quilted clothing)
  • Any applicable sterilization permit number

You will still need to attach a physical law label to your products.

Tip #1: Trust the Two Accepted Options

Retailers must post the required information on each product page, either listed directly on the page or hyperlinked to an approved third-party website like Law Label Lookup™. The required information must be presented either as a digital label image, or as text.

Image and text are the only two options currently accepted by Utah. While the state may accept other options in the future, Law Label Lookup™ provides the easiest path for retailers and their suppliers to comply with Utah’s regulations via the image or text options ahead of the May 15, 2025 deadline.

Tip #2: Choose the Best Option for Your Business & Products

Utah’s requirements apply to retailers of all sizes, but that doesn’t mean that there’s a one-size-fits-all solution. No matter what method of compliance you pursue, it may help to have a compliance professional on your team to ensure that your products are fully compliant in the remaining 49 states, as well.

Small Retailers

For small retailers with a handful of products, you don’t need to jump through massive hurdles to comply with Utah’s requirements. It may make sense to use the already-created digital label image for each of your products and host them on your own retail site.

At the same time, you might have limited capacity and recurring churn with products and URNs. In that case, GRS’ Law Label Lookup™ might be the right solution. If you need help with the creation of your digital labels, or support for ongoing matters of compliance like renewals and label updates, the GRS team is here to help!

Large Retailers

If you have many manufacturers and dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of products, it can be very hard to keep an eye on your complete compliance status. Complying with Utah’s requirements might be just one piece of the puzzle for your overall compliance.

For large retailers, it may make sense to invest in a third-party solution that allows you to host your digital labels per Utah’s requirements, while also giving you peace of mind about every stuffed article on your shelves. GRS-partnered retailers that use Law Label Lookup™ also get exclusive access to an easy-to-read Retailer Dashboard, giving you deep insights into your suppliers and products at a glance.

Tip #3: Create Less Work for Retailers & Suppliers

Without a third-party solution, retailers and suppliers may be taking on more than they can handle. Loading digital labels to thousands of individual product pages and keeping them updated is a heavy lift, not to mention keeping track of all those URLs.

Law Label Lookup™ is a consolidated database to host all of your labels at a single URL, rather than thousands. This easy URL can be uploaded to your product description pages along with instructions for convenient lookup.

With Law Label Lookup™, the GRS team handles the heavy lifting to save your team time and hassle:

  • GRS works with each supplier to gather the necessary information
  • Retailers and/or their suppliers upload digital labels to the retailer-specific Law Label Lookup™ database
  • Retailers post the simple Law Label Lookup™ URL to their product pages 
  • GRS helps suppliers keep their licenses up to date through Monitored Services
  • Retailers and their vendors achieve compliance with Utah’s regulations with less work on their end

A Note on A Proposed Text-Only Solution

Utah is currently considering a proposed solution that would require suppliers to compile a text list of possible filling materials and URNs, which retailers would link to on each product page. In order for this solution to be compliant, this information would still need to be product specific (i.e., listed on the associated product page) as opposed to a large database of URNs and filling materials. 

For retailers with hundreds of different suppliers and thousands of products, this manual approach would require a lot of unnecessary work. Many suppliers already have digital labels available in the GRS system — along with robust data on licenses and other product information — which can be used to comply with Utah’s requirements.

Tip #4: Get Complete Peace of Mind

Making Utah’s required information available to the public is an important step to compliance, but it’s not the only one. If the entered information is incorrect or the product itself is not compliant, retailers are still at risk of costly off-sales and violations.

By enrolling in Retail Compliance + Law Label Lookup™, retailers and their suppliers will also get comprehensive compliance support from GRS, the leader in stuffed article compliance. 

GRS gives retailers complete insight into the compliance status of the products on their shelves, while giving suppliers the support they need to keep their products compliant for the long run.

With support from GRS and Law Label Lookup™, your business will have complete peace of mind about your digital law labels and much more:

  • Get optional GRS verification of digital labels at the time of upload to Law Label Lookup™ 
  • Retailers can see every label and the complete compliance status of all vendors at a glance in one convenient place with the Retail Compliance program
  • Suppliers can stay on top of license renewals, regulatory updates, and other matters of ongoing compliance with Monitored Services, a mandatory step to take part in Law Label Lookup™ 

Bonus Tip: RSVP for a Free Webinar on Utah Requirements

Join us as GRS presents an easy-to-understand overview of the latest Utah label visibility requirements, their implications on your current labeling practices, and GRS’ government agency-approved solution, Law Label Lookup™.

You will learn:

  • Must-dos to comply with Utah’s requirements
  • How to minimize the burden and headache of Utah compliance
  • What you can do today to avoid violations and off-sales
  • How GRS’ Retail Compliance + Law Label Lookup™ solution can keep your business compliant in Utah and beyond

Don’t Wait to Get Compliant with Utah’s Regulations

Utah begins enforcement on May 15, 2025, but you don’t have to wait to comply. A Utah-accepted solution to get compliant with the state’s digital labeling requirements is already available: Law Label Lookup™ from GRS.

Learn more about how GRS can keep your business fully compliant, and enroll in Law Label Lookup™ today.

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